
Words of Value has worked with amazing clients, some of which are listed here, and we are delighted to share their testimonies with you. We look forward to have you as one of our many satisfied customers in the near future.

“The Words of Value team helped us out in a time of need and urgency, and l believe their words helped increase sales almost immediately!

The team researches your product and website and ensures that what they write does not stray away from your intentional audience, and instead, their words capture them and maintains their attention, resulting in sales.

We would like to thank the Words of Value team for their hard and efficient work, and would definitely use their services again. This is the second website they have written for us, and we look forward to more featuring their work.


“Hi Words of Value team,

I felt like I had to write and tell you that your skills and services you provide are beyond brilliance. I am so glad that I have met you at this point in time. You have empowered my business by giving me clarity to my own business, using words the way you do. I’ve worked with many writers in the past, but never at this level of excellence that you devote your self to.

Thank you very much.”

Hi Words of Value team,

Thank you so much for your professional service. I am grateful for the good questions you asked in order to write so well on a difficult topic. The advice you gave me on all areas of the website was of great value and motivation to me. I have read through the copy you prepared and I am very happy. Thanks a lot for your help. Hope to do some more business soon.


Why Chess Is Still the Best Hobby

The Words of Value writers’ skillful writing was remarkable – they delivered a sales letter that has made a huge different to our business. They took the time to study our product, markets and competition. They are outstanding creative sales copywriters.

Sara & Pete W.

“When it comes to website’s “content is king” everyone knows it and everyone knows they should have it on both their site and their backlink information. Not only should the article be very readable and move the reader through the article. It should also have good SEO for keywords, and be written in a manner that delivers a call to action either to your website or product sale. I freely admit that when it comes to writing content I don’t like it. That’s why I outsourced all my writing work to Words of Value. They deliver everything I need for my projects in a well laid out professional manner. This allows me to drop the articles directly on my site without the worry of having to rewrite or check the articles. With so many so-called experts in content generation, Words of Value is the real deal and you will be glad you hired them.”

Dan J

“It’s not easy to find a great writer. I’ve worked with dozens of writers and Words of Value are the greatest writers when it comes to writing with passion, being efficient, and reliability. Their quality of writing is fantastic and they get the job done on time.”

Dean S

“Hi Words of Value,

All I can say is WOW!

I’ve purchased reports and articles from many others but your work is FAR superior!

I simply HAD to write to you and tell you that I honestly found your writing to be outstanding and the content of your reports and articles very informative and useful.

Thank you for not just delivering on time but OVER delivering such remarkable and great quality products.

You’ve got a happy customer for life!”

Best Wishes,
Khemal Dole

If you’re looking for a top notch content writer, you won’t go wrong with Words of Value. They are the best web content writer we’ve ever had. I highly recommend them.

Joshua P.

Hi Words of Value,
You have done a wonderful job for our company website and we really appreciate it a lot!

“Hi Words of Value,

Just wanted to let you know that your articles are extremely high quality. I’m very satisfied.

Big thanks!”

Gabor O

“Prior to contacting Words of Value to write a book for me, I had never worked with a freelance writer before. So, I didn’t know what to expect, and I was a little unsure about what I needed to make sure that I get my project done according to my expectations. The Words of Value team was simply amazing – they asked me for detailed information about my project and my business vision. They kept in regular contact with me during the course of the project. They also offered many ideas and suggestions that have helped to succeed in my business. They were extremely helpful in giving me guidance and made wonderful suggestions based on their writing experience. Words of Value is efficient, reliable – and best of all, the quality of their work is outstanding. I will certainly get them to do some more work for me again soon!”

Lisa M., New Zealand

“I am very picky – very few writers meet my expectations. But Words of Value was simply outstanding. Great work!”

Grant G.

“Words of Value, two things – your service is outstanding, and your quality is top-notch! Thank you for being professional writers who actually delivers on what they promise! You are a breath of fresh air – not many freelancers out there match what you offer!”

Peter Davis

“Professional. Great service. Outstanding Quality. Will use the service again!”

Daniel, KDB Ventures

“Words of Value, here is the thing: that 10 articles you write has been bringing me many sales over the past 6 months. Amazingly, those 10 articles you write for me out-perform hundreds of other articles that I have published, combined. You are now my “secret weapon” – I will come back for more articles soon!”

Janet M.

“It is very easy to get someone to write. But, after working with many freelance writers, I have never come across a passionate writers like the Words of Value team. Their enthusiasm and passion for writing shows in the quality of their work”

Harry Schelder

“Words of Value is a classic example of a professional freelance – great service and high quality work. They are very prompt with correspondence on suggestions and questions – and they have offered me many ideas for free. I highly recommends Words of Value to anyone who is serious about succeeding online.”

Samantha Owens

“Words of Value has a truly superb gift of writing, and has an amazing way with words! I had been working on my book for two years, and when I realised I wasn’t getting anywhere near completing my book, someone recommended Words of Value. I got in touch with Words of Value, and I was very impressed – Their service, passion and quality of work is really amazing. After telling them what I wanted with my book, they took the project on, and, as they say, the rest is history.”

Carol Schiward

“Hi Words of Value team, the articles you wrote for me on renewable energy and climate change were a gem. I am very proud to own those articles. You have no idea how I has struggled to get high quality content on the topic. Many thanks!”

Tina Veness, Going Green Magazine

“I have worked with many freelancers and freelance companies before, and my experiences have ranged mediocre to simply disappointing. Before I came to Words of Value, I had almost given up working with freelance writers. They provided an excellent service, and the quality of the work they did was first rate. I will definitely come back for more”

Clarissa W.

“Dear Words of Value, I will admit to what most internet marketers will not. Although I really wanted to expand my online business, I was not prepared to invest in high quality content and articles that would help me to achieve my goals. Until recently, when looking for a freelancer, I looked for the cheapest bidders to my writing project. In fact, I have hired writers whose native language is not English – and have paid five – eight dollars for these articles. The problem is, when I read the web content and articles myself – I can’t understand what the message is, because the writing is very poor quality. Not surprisingly, these websites perform very badly and the published articles never drive any traffic to my website.

I now know that 10 high quality, well-researched and well-written articles are worth several times more than hundreds of poor quality articles. Thank you for being the catalyst to a much-needed turn-around in my online business. Your articles continue to drive traffic to my websites and the web content you write easily convert visitors to my site into buyers.”

Derek J.

“The Words of Value team are very high quality writers, and they are very pleasant to work with. On several occasions, I simply told them what I was thinking about for my next e-book, what I want to achieve and the key message I want to deliver in the book – and they take it from there. And bang!, an amazing product”

Sheryl Johns

“Another smashing e-book! You continue to exceed my expectations. Thank you very much for being my devoted and top notch writer. It will not be long before I come back to you for another project”

Paul White

“The Words of Value research capabilities are first class. Every business entrepreneur needs that before they put any capital into any ‘business idea’. They are wonderful to work with.”

Michelle and Jeremy Stephens

“Thank you for the excellent email series for my auto responder. I expect to online boost my sales this season”

Tracy Wright

“Words of Value team, you have an amazing way with words. I have been thinking writing the e-book for the past 5 months, but could never get started. But 2 weeks after I simply gave you a brief of what I want on my book, you delivered an amazing product! Two thumps up!” I had 27 sales for my e-book in the first week, this is the third week – and it’s getting better! Thank you.”

Michelle Miller