

Presented below are some samples of website content and articles we have written for our clients.


Environmentally-friendly / “Green” Buildings Articles

Sustainable Building Design for a Green Home
Green Carpeting Options for a Healthy Home
Green Building Design, How to Incorporate Daylighting
Environmentally Friendly Paint Options
Energy Efficient Tips for Heating and Cooling Your Home
Eco Friendly Window Options to Save Energy
Eco Friendly Roofing Options for Your Home

“Green” Energy Articles

Alternative Options for Renewable Energy
Bio-fuels, Renewable Energy for the Future
Green Coal Use, Can Coal Be Clean
Is it Possible to be 100% Energy Independent
Wind Power as Sustainable Home Energy

“Green” Family Values Articles

Family Meal Ideas for a Green Lifestyle
Green Ideas for Housecleaning
Green Ideas for Mom
Green Travel Ideas
Teaching Kids to Think Green

Going “Green” Articles

Go Green, Save MoneyGoing Green in the Workplace Benefits Everyone
Green Driving Tips that Save Gas and Money
Green Gift Ideas for a Merry Christmas
Green Homes Save Money, Find the Hidden Savings in Yours
Green Homes Save Money, Find the Hidden Savings in Yours
Green Living Tips That Will Help You Save some Money
How Going Green Can Save You Money

Foreclosure Articles

Avoid Foreclosure with a Short Sale
Foreclosure Processes and Remedies
Mortgage Modification vs. Refinancing Which Should You Choose
Negotiate Your Mortgage Terms with a Hardship Letter
Prevent Foreclosure by Refinancing Your Home
Tips on How To Cut Costs to Avoid Home Foreclosure
What are the Options to Stop Foreclosure

Debt Articles

Considerations When Bankruptcy Seems Like the Only Option
Creating a Budget and Sticking to It Increases Your Discretionary Income
How to Determine if Debt Consolidation is for You
Paying Off Your Debts Can Help Fund Your Retirement
Should You Refinance Your Mortgage
Understanding Your Debt to Income Ratio
What Can a Debt Counselor Do for You
What You Need to Know About Home Equity Loans

Selling Information Products Online Articles

Creating a Backend Strategy for Your Online Sales Business
Deciding Which Niche Market to Aim Your Information Product Toward
Free Marketing for Your Information Product Online
How to Create an Information Product to Sell on the Internet
How to Determine the Best Niche Market to Target with Information Products Online
Using Your Customer Lists to Create Maximum Profits for Your Information Products
Make Your Information Product Available in Various Media Forms

Internet Marketing Articlesslide07

Avoiding Bum Marketing Pitfalls
Convert Your Site’s Traffic to Customers
Making Your Email Marketing Campaign Successful
Narrowing Down your Market Niche
Scheduling Your Internet Marketing Business Around Your Home Life
Should You Own the Product or Sell as an Affiliate
Using Twitter to Drive Traffic to Your Site

Real Estate ArticlesDreamHome

Important Questions to Answer Before Investing in Real Estate
Managing Your Risk in Real Estate, Part I
Managing Your Risk in Real Estate, Part II
Reducing Your Cash Outlay When Buying Real Estate
Tips on How to Decrease the Sale Time Required for Your Property
What to Know When Buying Real Estate for the First Time
Pros and Cons of Becoming a Real Estate Professional
Investing in Commercial Property, What You Need To know
Choosing Diversified Investments for Your PortfolioFinancing Options When Investing in Real Estate

Relationships ArticlesNot_Talking

Forming New Relationships When You Have Children
How to Determine if Your Relationship Is Destined to Last
Beginning New Relationships When Still Affected by Old Hurts
How to Rebuild and Strengthen Intimacy in Your Relationship
How to Recover from Infidelity in Your Relationship
Maintain Your Identity in a Relationship
The Effects of a Healthy Heart and Mind on Your Relationship
Self-Directed Relationship Therapy

Online Dating ArticlesHappyCouple

Creating the Best Online Dating Profile Possible
Find Your Match Later in Life through a Senior Dating Site
Make a Connection with an Impressive Video Profile
Make a Great Impression with Your Intro Email
Rejection Is Simply Part of the Process
Meeting Your Online Match in Person for the First TimeThe Risks and Benefits of Dating Online

Wedding ArticlesHappyBride

A Complete Guide to Planning Your Wedding
A Wedding Planning Guide Can Save You Time and Money
Beautiful Wedding Favors Made Of Crystal and Glass
Considerations When Planning Your Own Wedding Reception
Delicious Wine Wedding Favors for Your special Day
Las Vegas Wedding Favors for an Unforgettable Gift
Making Your Small Wedding Memorable
Personalized Wedding Favors That Will Always Be Remembered
Planning a Cheap Wedding – Determining Where to Save and Where to Splurge
Planning an Outdoor Wedding You’ll Love
Wedding Planning Tips for the Bride
Preparing for a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party
Things to Consider When Starting a Wedding Planning Business

New-Born Baby Care ArticlesNewbornBaby

Helpful Tips for Newborn Care
Learning about Milestones for Baby Development
Making Travel Time with a Newborn Easier
Skin Care Tips for a Newborn You Need To Know
The Importance of Choosing the Best Baby Formula
The Many Benefits of a Baby Massage
Understanding Sleeping Problems in Babies and Finding Answers

Babies ArticlesGorgeousBaby

Deciding Whether to Host a Surprise Baby Shower
Developing the Mind with Educational Baby Toys
Do It Yourself Education through Homeschooling
Help with Making a Soft and Cozy Baby Blanket
Its Bath-time – Bring Out The Baby Toys
Pulling It All Together – The Final Baby Shower Preparations
Tips for Buying a Baby Stroller
Toys For Your Baby – From Infant To Toddler

Pregnancy ArticlesPregnantWomanReading

How To Deal With Your Body Image As a Pregnant Mother
Ideal Exercises for Pregnant Women
Nutritional Matters For A Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy – The Good, Bad, and Ugly
The Emotional and Physical Changes During Pregnancy
Tips for Keeping Your Body Fit and Strong During Pregnancy
What Can Ultrasound Testing Tell You About Your Baby
What To Expect in the First Three Months of Pregnancy
You Can Treat Post-Natal Depression